Thursday, August 5, 2010

My Last Blog for This Europe Trip...Drama in the Air!

Well, the time has come to say goodbye, and the end of my trip to Europe. It has been an amazing time for me, and I have learnt a lot about myself and my abilities to cope with all sorts of situations!!

I also have to tell you all something that has been great for me. I have, since being a little girl, had a secret wish to be......a writer!! Even before I reached the age of seven, I remember wanting to be a writer "when I grow up" and each Christmas would ask Santa for "a bit fat book" Dad, if you are reading this, do you remember? You used to give me dictionaries, which did the trick for the big and fat bit, and I used them to press four leaf clovers in, because most of the words were too big for me!!

Well this little stint has burst the boil for me of wanting to be a writer, and fulfilled that need for now!! I have truly enjoyed writing about my experiences, and I hope you all, family and friends have enjoyed my amazing trip!

Coming home was another little "episode"!!

It is funny, because I seem to always have some sort of premonition about some things, and I do trust my instincts now.... On the way to the airport, I got a grip of panic in my gut, a sort of worrying pain that twisted my stomach (no, I did not need to go to the loo!!)....I was actually quite worried and told myself not to be silly, and did what I normally do in that situation of uncertainty.... have a glass of champagne.... actually I normally do that not only in situations of uncertainty, but well, ALL sorts of situations!! But I digress.

Settling back on the plane, I stupidly chose "Apocalipto" as a movie choice, directed by Mel Gibson, and so gripping that as I was under the covers watching, jumping and screaming, people were starting to frown at me... I was exhausted at the end of it, but could not sleep.

As they started to serve breakfast, two rows from the airhostess reaching my seat, we started to get some turbulence, and they told us that coffee would not be served for safety purposes, and to fasten the seat belts. Normally I ignore that, and if my seat belt is not fastened I just leave it, but for some reason, I actually tightened mine. I never actually follow instructions, so I wondered why I did then.

Well, next, it was pandemonium !!! All hell broke loose as the plane dipped sharply and started to go all over the place. The people in the front who had not buckled down, shot up in the air, about a metre, and their trays of breakfast with them!! Screaming broke out, as some people fell into the isles with coffee, yoghurt, scrambled eggs and all sorts of stuff on top of them!

Women started to cry and yell hysterically, as the oxygen masks were dropped in some cases and the airhostesses rushed to try and help people. One airhostess had the metal jug of coffee land on her head and she passed out in the aisle!!

I was amazingly calm.

I helped the French couple next to me who were first time flyers (and last time, I suspect) and though they did not speak a word of English, I just patted them and said it would be ok, because I knew it would be.

This lasted ten minutes, and then the clean up began, among the hysteria. A call went out about "is there a doctor on the plane" for those injured.... there was an Australian nurse and a Dr. from Singapore, so that was good. I thought about the remains of my rescue remedy, but decided it would not do much good in that situation.

Everytime after that, when a little turbulence happened, those hysterical women, would start to cry!!

Eventually, I am glad to say, we landed in Singapore in burst of clapping and the captain came and shook the passengers hands...

I arrived in Auckland hours later, in a mist of rain....welcome back to New Zealand!!!

I am in Wellington now. The trip starting to fade....I am glad to be back with friends who missed me, and I missed them. I am glad I am HOME. I do not intend to live anywhere else but HERE. It is a good place to be.

Bye, Au revoir, Bonne nuit, Adios, Chao, and Buenas Noches...I hope you enjoyed my blog.

Until the next one!!!