Friday, July 30, 2010

On Being Too Trusting....What a Way to End.....

I have had a lot of men ask me out on dates this trip. Lots.

I have said no to most, except one in Turkey, which eventually I said no to, thanks to good advice from a special friend in New Zealand. It could have been disastrous in hindsight!!

And I also said yes, to two in Paris. This week. Both were chance meetings, they were sitting next to me in a cafe, and the cafes are very close together. So you sort of rub elbows with the person next to you. It is easy to strike up conversations.

Both were nice, professional men, one an Accountant, the other a diplomat turned professor. Both spoke good English, the Accountant good Spanish, so it was easy. Neither seemed like a stalker or a murderer, or a weirdo. Neither I fancied, lets get that straight. Not my type, but both pleasant and friendly and helpful. So naturally, I said yes after long conversations, to a further meeting to talk about New Zealand, etc etc. All above board and no agendas on my part.

I am not looking for someone. I have someone I fancy very much in New Zealand, so my frame of mind was definitely not on the game, and if they had been women, I would have felt the same way, 'make the most of getting to know the locals' ....

Alexandre was the one I met at Champ Elysees, at a cafe, while I was trying to (ironically) find the metro path to meeting the other, Alberto, the following night. He asked me in French if I needed help with the metro map. I said as I do, "Desole, Je ne parle pan france" that is phonetic, in case you did'nt get it!! Sorry I do not speak French!!

Alexandre was extremely friendly and helped me with the way to get to Alberto. (This is starting to sound weird)

Why didn't I just realise that fact then!!!??

He invited me to show me around Paris, his neighbourhood, offered to pay for a boat ride, an open bus trip, a walk around the gardens.... I said no, too tired, better dash, etc etc. He was SO insistent, and I could not shake him off, and so when he said, "can I take you out to lunch, to find out more about NZ".... muggings here, said Oh, why not!!?

I chose a place 2 minutes around the corner from where Sam's flat is, so that I was in familiar territory. I got that right at least!!

We met, and he was waiting for me, and I should have sort of noted to self the moment he greeted me, that the smell of after shave was a tad strong, and that the greeting kiss was a tad too long, but NAIVE ME, let it slide.....out came my hard cover book on New Zealand, and I was yabbering on like an idiot on idiotic stuff that I thought would be interesting to a native Parisian, never quite getting the asides he would mutter, and all of a sudden it hit me.

He sat back and said some stuff that just about blew me away. I felt like an absolute dork and totally out of my depth. He was hitting on me!! Then I saw the look in his eyes ..... Eeeweee, YUK!!! I thought Oh, My, God.... how do I get out of this..... I offered to take a photo, to diffuse things..... a picture paints a thousand words......

How YUK is that!!!
Luckily I had asked Sam to ring me at a given time, and he did, so our time came to an end, and he paid (a small fortune) for lunch, and insisted on walking me to Sam's flat, and although I was not happy about it, given he had told me I was the best thing since sliced bread, and could we have a relationship....... I thought , the sooner am rid of this horrible man the better..... THEN, the Clanger. He tells me he got MARRIED LAST WEEK!!!! And that French men have "compartments" in their lives, and I could be another "compartment" that we keep to ourselves, and he could fly me over for April next year......

I just about had kittens!!

At the door, he grabs me and wants a kiss (am about to throw up at this stage) and I say NO and although he is pawing at me I avert my face, and plant a very, very red lipstick mark on his upper sleeve!! Of a very scented white shirt!! I get to the key board, with dreaded numbers... I would have lost the plot with the code, if I had not stamped in my brain, that the code to get in was the same as the shape of the Eiffel Tower, so luckily it worked!! (Only people who know me and numbers will get that last comment)....

I pant up the stairs, to a very safe apartment...

I had a very, very strong drink, again ironically from a bottle of Russian Vodka, which was in Sam's cupboard, as Alexandre, turned out to be a diplomat in the time of Gorbachev!!

I cancelled Alberto, there and then.
How. Do. I. GET. Myself. Into. These. Situations.

He has pestered me with phone calls, texts and emails. I have ignored them all. I want to go home NOW!!!

Thursday, July 29, 2010

On Fashion and Chanel......

Rue Montaigne on the 8th Arrondissement....
Boutique after boutique of the greatest designers in the world, one after the other!! I actually felt a bit dizzy, and obviously behaved a bit dizzy!!!

I took this photograph of the Chanel window display, as you can see in the background, there is moi! I love Chanel, it must be my favourite. I have a Chanel bag. Ok, so I bought it in Turkey..... it looks the part!!

I was actually salivating, enjoying the beauty of the window displays

The autumn fashion is just hitting the streets, after a period of summer sales. I love, love, love it.
I had to go in. Absolutely no intentions of spending of course, WAY above my league!!! But who else better to appreciate it, and drink in the atmosphere but me!!?

The place inside Chanel was buzzing.....with (I'm sorry if this offends people..) Fat, Loud Americans, Ugly and Fat Middle Eastern Women, and Skinny Asians. That was it. And they were buying.

In BULK. It is my blog, and I tell it how I see it. What a complete and utter waste of beautiful clothing. What sacrilege!! How upsetting it was to see these women who will never look anything like what Chanel intended, in the clothing!!

I had to take a photo.... BIG mistake!!! Now. I did not need to know French, to know what the sales person shrieked at me. Shriek is probably and understatement in hindsight.....she turned into a hyena. She did. I did not stick around, and before the body guard of one of the 'customers' threw me out, I dog legged out of that little scene PRONTO!!

My heart was beating ten to the dozen, and I nearly passed out! I think I was about to get manhandled out of there!! How embarrassing! The first thing that came to mind, was "I wish I spoke French, and would have told her to KEEP HER KNICKERS ON" stupid cow. Trouble was, the photo did not come out!! I had to delete it after all that!!

My affair with Chanel has not been dampened, however, now I do not quite feel so bad having bought a very good copy of a Chanel bag in Turkey!! I will wear it like a war medal!!

I think about an hour was more than enough for me, especially seeing some of the people going in, had chauffeurs!! Here is a Mercedes Benz, parked outside Dior. It belonged to a Middle Eastern woman and her teenage daughter, dripping in designer clothing and handbags, and laden with shopping bags.....parked illegaly, of course....

But the entrances to these places were amazing. Do not worry. I had learnt my lesson!! I did not venture into any more!!

The cafes there were filled with the 'beautiful' people, all botoxed, dyed hair, designer top to bottom outfits, having lots of Perrier (did you know a glass of Perrier is more expensive than a glass of beer or wine??)... it was scary. I saw some serious lip fillers. You know how the French pout a lot when they speak? Well with collagen filled lips, it is truly the stuff of nightmares. Enough to put you off cosmetic surgery for life!!

Before you ask. Too chicken to take a photo of those sights!!!!

Talk to you soon!

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Last week in Paris!!!

I cannot believe it is almost six weeks since I left! Time has whizzed by, and now am on the home straight, starting to think about reality when I get back to New Zealand!

I have literally CRAMMED my last week here, fashion and Rue Montaigne, where Versace, Dior, Chanel, Karl Largerfeldm among others, are housed, Rue Monteguiel where all the lovely foody parts are, the museum de Orsay, back to Marais, where I got asked out and am going on Friday, Champ Elysees again, where again I got asked out and am going to lunch tomorrow, the Louvre of course, and Arc de Triophe, again, of course!!................will tell all!!

I have made a point of everyday eating some different style, and it has been fantastic!! I have been treated like a queen, wherever I go, so much for the stuck up Parisians, because I have not encountered any. Mind you, I do give it a bash with the lingo, and I do dress the part, but that is because I would have anyway.... I dress like that in Wellie!

I have had nothing but good service and help from all and sundry. If I am struggling with a map (always) invariably someone comes up to me and asks if I need help. I stopped at a cafe at the Champs Elysees today, and trying to map out my metro route to the "date" I have on Friday, and this man next to me asks if he can help. He spoke English, and was a Russian Diplomat, now turned lecturer, and was well mannered and intelligent, he asked me about NZ, and the Economy (gawd) and all sorts of questions about the government etc. (read, BORING) so tried to shake him off.

He would not take no for an answer, even though I turned down all his offers of showing me around, as he was on holiday at the moment, and I was in his "hood". I eventually had to say yes to lunch tomorrow, and I will go, only because he was so persistant!! I am in no danger, believe me!!

I enjoyed walking and walking for miles and miles, to all the places you know are the post card the miles of walking means I fit the black capris again!! Hooray!!

It is as magnificent as it looks, and because there were so many tourists, I did not climb the Arc, but I have done so, in the last trip I did here, so there was no urgent need!!
The same with the Louvre.....

BUT I did bite the bullet and go to the Museum de Orsay, because I studied all the artists that have their works here, and I spent so long in the place, that I had to stop and eat! I went to the restaurant, not knowing there was also a cafe for the not so well off, and spent an arm an a leg on a lunch!! I enjoyed it though, and took a photo, since no photos were allowed inside the actual museum,
This is the ceiling!!

The Orsay is a converted Railway station, and inside is so beautiful, it is a shame I could not photograph it! The outside is impressive as well....amazing statues!

Sam and I have been to another cooking class too, and had a blast. We cooked duck, with a cherry sauce and kir, an entree with shrimps and vegetables, and a pastry with fruit for dessert! I got to serve up the end result with panache!!

What a show off! It was a great night, and again managed to follow pretty well what was going on in french!! Sam tried his best to translate, but I did manage to peel a courgette when I was not supposed to!
Here is a pik of dessert, and Sam and I mid flight cooking the duck!!

Well, I have ticked off 99.9 percent of the 'things to do' in my trip, and the time to start to think about departing is rapidly approaching..... I have had to buy two boxes to post back to NZ, with things that I have accumulated, mainly shoes and books that will weigh too much!!! Never mind, it is all worth it!!
I will post another blog before I go, with more goss..... in the meantime, enjoy these piks of Paris!!
More sitting and watching the world go by in a cafes.....

Its a hard life, but someone has got to do it!!

Believe me, I feel like a total dork and a tosser for taking so many self photographs, but when you are on your own, what else is there to do, especially when others are enjoying their food.... I don't want to ask!! Anyway, you will be sick of me by now!! But I will tell you about my dates with the locals, and about getting kicked out of Chanel, for taking a photo inside!!!!
Au revoir!!

Sunday, July 25, 2010

More in Turkey, and Turkish Men!!

Am back in Paris now, but I will finish telling you about the end of my time in Istanbul.

NO ONE told me about the Turkish men!! And I am not young, nor on the prowl, but OMG.

I cannot believe the hassling I got. Grabbing, following me, touching, stroking, talking all the time. I was not left alone. It was funny at first, but in the end I just got really ticked off. It seemed that because I was on my own, I was easy bait. They would say such corny things, that if it was just a one off on one day, it would be hilarious, but it was relentless. "you must be a movie star" "dont break my heart, please come for a drink" you have the most beautiful eyes I have ever seen" "let me touch your beautiful skin" Wait for this one, "I love your colours" ...... what the hell does THAT mean?!!

At the Grand Bazaar, I was trying on necklaces, and this guy was too hands on for my liking, but I really liked this one necklace, and as he was clipping it on me from the back.......he stuck an erect penis up my bum!!! I kid you not.

I swirled around like a whirling dervish (not that I had seen one yet, but I am sure I looked the part) and yelled at him, and he looked all innocent, and said "what?" and "you look so pretty as you are angry"......

I sped out of there like a bat out of hell.

NOT all were like that, I met a couple of nice ones. This one was from the Tapkapi Tiles, an old tile and ceramic store that has been in the family for centuries, and only the family are the potters and painters. He gave me a tour and did not expect anything back except for me to appreciate the history and beauty and colour.

This plate is hand painted, took 9 months to make, as every little dot is an eye, (which wards off evil eyes) and is the family symbol and is patented. It costs around NZ 5,ooo. and is a one off.

I also met a really nice guy, on my way to buy a pair of socks, on my last day, and ended up buying a leather jacket!!! He was a real sweetie, and asked if I could photograph him and I , and to send him the photo. So I did.!

BUT.....on the whole, they were dodgy.....


On a brighter note!! I had a ball going on a cruise up the Bosphorus one day!! It included lunch on the boat,

It was a fish dish fresh from the Bosphorus!! It took ages to eat as all the backbones were still there!! Had to use my specs!!

Then we cruised to the Black Sea, and stopped for 45 minutes, near a beutiful beach, and the tour guide said to change into togs, and to jump in, trouble was, I was not told you had to bring togs, so I was not going to lose an opportunity like this, so I JUMPED IN FULLY CLOTHED!!

It was awesome!! I loved it!! And did not care one bit, about the strange looks I got from the resto of the people on the boat!! I dried out in about half an hour!

The Byzantine era buildings that were built by the shores of the Bosphorus were amazing.

It was a full on day, and I was so exhausted in the end.

Made it back to Paris, not an easy task, as I had to lug all my stuff through barriers, steps and trains to get back to Sam!! Made it though, and now am on the home straight. More on a cooking class, museums and my last week in Paris!!

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Hitting the Road Running in Istanbul

Once I knew I was in the Money, I hit the road running. Like a maniac, I ticked off 4 of the about 8 Things To Do in Istanbul, on the 3rd day of my time in Turkey.

I got heat stroke.

It was SO hot, and I do not sweat, never. Honestly I do not sweat. I did in Istanbul. It started at the small of my back, and like a river, went down my butt crack (sorry to be so graphic) and down either or both of the backs of my thighs, and down, cascading down, the backs of my legs like rivers!!!
I have never encountered such heat!! I was drinking lots of water, buying bottles everywhere, but I was turning redder and redder, and getting short of breath, and starting to get disorientated. Well MORE disorientated, because basically, I cant read maps, so I am always disorientated. My hair was plastered to my head, but in a funny sort of way, I was loving it!!

In this picture you cannot see the sweat, but it was there!!!
Anyway I had a hot little list to get through, written by family and especially a friend Dave Henderson, who is the partner of a previous ambassador to Turkey, Jan Beatty. Who were my first landlords in Wellington. He had written a rough guide and a map, which I clung to like the bible. I went to the Blue Mosque (behind me in the above pik) and had to cover up.....I thought I looked a little like Thelma and Louise, (one of them)

And had to take off shoes, while I walked around the beutiful mosque, with its beautiful Byzantine mosaics and architecture. It is called Blue, because of the blue tiles used in its construction. The caligraphies and mother of pearl inlays and the stone work is truly amazing.

That is the ceiling you can see.

The way the call to prayer is done, from the minarets of all the mosques is quite eerie. The first time it happened I got goose bumps. One man starts, and it very very loud, with his call, and another, from a nearbye mosque replies, and then another, from another mosque!! True moslems stop what they are doing and turn to the mosque and pray. It happens 5 times a day, though it seemed more often!!

And for some reason, I am sure I should know, it was only men who did this in the streets.

Then I hit Hagia Sophia. Absolutey jaw dropping. Actually, everything was jaw dropping in Istanbul!!

Inside, this church which dates back to the reign of Constantinius II in the year 300, was completed in 360. Can you believe those dates?!! It was burnt down and rebuilt around the year 420 and still used as a church. Now of course, it is a museum. It still has original mosaics and it is light, airy and spectacular inside.
And here is a detail of the roof...
It was awesome, and better still, it was a little cooler inside, like about 35 degrees, when outside was over 40!!!

Another cool place, (literally) was the Basilica Cistern, in Sultanahmet, where I was staying. It is an underground palace, and to my credit, I did not know anything about this one, but with my art history knowledge from the past, I could detect corinthian and doric columns without being told!!
This one is Corinthian
And the inside was magical....
But by this time, I had serious auras coming out of my head, from all the beauty, and decided to call it a day!!
So hit the road, back to my Grand Peninsula Hotel, in a single room, with a toilet without a seat, but with very good airconditioning cranked up to its coldest, I was a very happy and very tired girl!!!!
Tell you more later!!!

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

First Couple of Days in Istanbul...Bluer Than the BLue Mosque!!

I had high expectations about my trip to Istanbul....But things did not go all than hunky dory, sad to say.....the first couple of days were tinged with "Disaster" written all over it.

It sort of started when I finally arrived in the right gate at the right time in the early hours of the day in Charles de Gaulle airport. I am not one that functions very well without my breakfast, as all who have lived with me will agree upon.

So, sweaty, hot, and stressed, having managed the rig ma roll of getting to the airport on the public system, at around 8am, I decide I needed fuel.

On the plane, on route to Zurich, I laid back on the last seat of the plane (hate that, cos it is next to the loo) and I catch a glimpse of the purser with MY travel card on his hand, and waving it about! He turned about 6 seats before me, to go back, and in my panic to draw his attention, I press the light button thinking it was the CALL button, so naturally he and every other flight attendant ignores me!!

By the time I realise my mistake, and press CALL (about 20 times) he comes over, as we are reversing. I said WHAT did you do with my card?? I must have left it at the cafe, by mistake.... He told me that he had given it to ground staff and there was no chance of getting it now....

I do not normally swear. I did then.

Trouble was, that it did not have to have a pin number, and anyone can use it. I do not know why the pin was never required for transactions, and that is another little bone to bear with my bank, but it did not.

No amount of beautiful scenery or small chat with the person next to me on board would cure my nerves. I read from cover to cover the Travel Card pamphlet, and luckily I had the extra card on me 'in case of emergencies' so it sort of made me feel better. They had a Blooper film from somewhere in Europe sort of like funniest home videos, and I noticed I laughed a little hysterically, compared to those around me....

I eventually got to Istanbul and reported the card missing and if the ground staff had it (which the purser assured me they did) I thought they should destroy it.

Ok, so after ENDLESS calls to the National Bank in NZ, and well into my second day in Istanbul, with absolutely NO joy from them to solve my problem, because my extra card kept on being declined, I was up the Bosphorus without a paddle.

I remembered I had a card from Chile with a little emergency money in it. I tried it and IT WORKED! But only enough for food and water, and I thought, ok, something else, I know!!! A TURKISH BATH!! AND A MASSAGE to calm myself....

So I did.

BUT one little detail I forgot.... I have sensitive skin. They SERIOUSLY rub you down, as the layers of grey skin peel off you and they turn you over like a trussed turkey (ha ha) on a marble slab, with a force that only masochists would enjoy, I was almost to the point of crying.

Body covered in WELTS later, I hobble back to my hotel....Could not believe my eyes. RED, ANGRY welts, appeared like magic as I turned in front of the mirror. OMG. Could it get worse? YES.

Needed lunch. Dropped key at reception, as is the requirement. With Ramazan, my friendly receptionist.
Came back, asked for keys. Keys not anywhere to be found. Ramazan blames me. He said I did not drop them off. I had. He said no, I had not. Could I please retrace my steps of that afternoon to find the keys?? I did. They were no where to be found. I went to my room and cried.

Then I rang Alastair Hercus. My ex husband who fixes things. One very good lesson to anyone out there, who is divorced, and has had a good man, is NEVER get on the wrong side of your ex husband, because he will come to your rescue like a knight in shining armour!!

So, after a blubbery, snotty cry on the phone to Alastair, explaining my dilemma, he says the magic words.... "Dont, worry, go to bed, I will see what I can do, I will fix it, and ring you from the bank in the morning..''

Next morning am awakened by a phone call, from Alastair and the National Bank. I am worked up by this stage. On high alert.

It is 'Lisa' a high up from the National Bank. And Alastair is next to her. All of a sudden a huge rage comes from me to Lisa, who represents the 4 National Bank people I have dealt with in the past 48 hours who have been truly useless. Ok, it is 7 am my time, and maybe, just maybe I had not woken up properly....

Before she has a chance to say Hello, Daphne, I am Lisa, here to Help.... I say something, that goes like this.....

"Lisa, have you any IDEA, of the HELL I have been under over the last 48 hours?"

(havent told you the rest of the hell, will get to that later)

Then I lose the plot. I say,

Lisa, IF you have a MASSIVE headache right now, it is because I am POKING NEEDLES into my voodoo doll which I have made to represent every HELPER, NOT, of the National Bank....who has given me false hopes of EVER obtaining the HARD earned money that I put into the travel card, which I was assured was fool proof...AND my Indian bank manager Deepak (his name was actually Rohan, but I was too het up to remember that little fact, so Deepak seemed appropriate)
Told me I had would have no problems and that it was going to be ok AND IT HASNT LISA, AND YOUR HEADACHE IS NOT GOING TO GET ANY BETTER!

So having got that off my chest I was feeling ok, trouble was, I dont think Lisa expected that little tirade, and the line seemed to go silent.

Afterwards, Alastair tells, me at that stage, he knew I had said 'something' I should not have, by the look in her face...

To cut a long story short, I get the ok, an extended overdraft, and assurances from top dog Lisa, that I would be back in the money, honey!
Alastair tells me that when we hung up, Lisa, (God Bless Her) said to Alastair, " I think I need a drink".... I have an acute feeling that she would have rocked up for drinks that Friday night, to say to her colleagues, " You have no idea of the looney I have had to deal with tonight!"
Tell you about things tomorrow..... I went and got money out, and the first things I bought was a little box of Im Sorry turkish delight for Lisa, for when I meet her with my tail between my legs, and a nice little gift for Alastair, who luckily is still wanting to help his ex wife!!!

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Finally! Update and Photos thus far!

Am back in Paris after a stint away in the Loire Valley and then south west in Bayonne and Bierritz!

Am still walking on air, as the experiences have been amazing. I have taken a heap of photos, and as a picture paints a thousand words, here are a few !!!!

Natalia and I in her Castle, Landifer

Inside the castle, on the stairwell (one of about a hundred!)
In Saumur on a bridge over the Loire River
Catch the castle in the background!!!
And then Bayonne, a little town which was initially a army base in the 14th century, and it has not changed much, except to say it is the most beautiful place on earth, and it has captured my heart!!
I stayed in Helenes parents apartment, it was heaven!!! They are called Michele and Elisabeth, I think they are going to be my new inlaws!!!! (dont say anything to Sam about my plans!!)
Sunset in one of the little quays in Bayonne
The brige over the River Adour
Bayonne Ham!!!! Just don't show me ANOTHER PIECE PLEASE!!!!! Pigged out on the stuff!!
And then I went to Biarritz, glitzy, showey Biarritz, like the Gold Coast in Australia, only full of Spaniards, and wanna be's!!! Lots of flesh on the beach, and I went and sat in front of this beach on the casino, and had a 120 dollar lunch!!!!
This is the casino, and then that was the lunch!
It took me two hours to eat as I took every little bit of langoustine flesh out, washed down with a pitcher of sangria, and I wobbled home afterwards!! Where is a man to lean on when you want one!???
The FASHION in Biarritz is as glitzy as the town, and prices start around the thousand dollar mark!! No show of a little shopping here, as shoes started at around 600 NZ dollars!! I could just see the stars swanning around the place. I kept an eye out for George Cloony, to no avail!!!
So, I settled for being on my own....... look at these beautiful hydrangeas!!
So my time whisked past in the south of france, and then it was time to hit the train past Bordeux and beautiful fields of sunflowers, back to Paris!!!

And it was around about here, that I got chatted up by the train's cafe guy, who thought I would say "yes" to going back to Paris and open up a restaurant with him!!!! He he, this old chook can still cut the moutarde!!

And on that happy note, I leave you for now!
I am off at the crack of dawn bound for Instanbul!!! What awaits!!? Only excitement I hope!!

Chao for now!