Thursday, July 29, 2010

On Fashion and Chanel......

Rue Montaigne on the 8th Arrondissement....
Boutique after boutique of the greatest designers in the world, one after the other!! I actually felt a bit dizzy, and obviously behaved a bit dizzy!!!

I took this photograph of the Chanel window display, as you can see in the background, there is moi! I love Chanel, it must be my favourite. I have a Chanel bag. Ok, so I bought it in Turkey..... it looks the part!!

I was actually salivating, enjoying the beauty of the window displays

The autumn fashion is just hitting the streets, after a period of summer sales. I love, love, love it.
I had to go in. Absolutely no intentions of spending of course, WAY above my league!!! But who else better to appreciate it, and drink in the atmosphere but me!!?

The place inside Chanel was buzzing.....with (I'm sorry if this offends people..) Fat, Loud Americans, Ugly and Fat Middle Eastern Women, and Skinny Asians. That was it. And they were buying.

In BULK. It is my blog, and I tell it how I see it. What a complete and utter waste of beautiful clothing. What sacrilege!! How upsetting it was to see these women who will never look anything like what Chanel intended, in the clothing!!

I had to take a photo.... BIG mistake!!! Now. I did not need to know French, to know what the sales person shrieked at me. Shriek is probably and understatement in hindsight.....she turned into a hyena. She did. I did not stick around, and before the body guard of one of the 'customers' threw me out, I dog legged out of that little scene PRONTO!!

My heart was beating ten to the dozen, and I nearly passed out! I think I was about to get manhandled out of there!! How embarrassing! The first thing that came to mind, was "I wish I spoke French, and would have told her to KEEP HER KNICKERS ON" stupid cow. Trouble was, the photo did not come out!! I had to delete it after all that!!

My affair with Chanel has not been dampened, however, now I do not quite feel so bad having bought a very good copy of a Chanel bag in Turkey!! I will wear it like a war medal!!

I think about an hour was more than enough for me, especially seeing some of the people going in, had chauffeurs!! Here is a Mercedes Benz, parked outside Dior. It belonged to a Middle Eastern woman and her teenage daughter, dripping in designer clothing and handbags, and laden with shopping bags.....parked illegaly, of course....

But the entrances to these places were amazing. Do not worry. I had learnt my lesson!! I did not venture into any more!!

The cafes there were filled with the 'beautiful' people, all botoxed, dyed hair, designer top to bottom outfits, having lots of Perrier (did you know a glass of Perrier is more expensive than a glass of beer or wine??)... it was scary. I saw some serious lip fillers. You know how the French pout a lot when they speak? Well with collagen filled lips, it is truly the stuff of nightmares. Enough to put you off cosmetic surgery for life!!

Before you ask. Too chicken to take a photo of those sights!!!!

Talk to you soon!

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