Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Last week in Paris!!!

I cannot believe it is almost six weeks since I left! Time has whizzed by, and now am on the home straight, starting to think about reality when I get back to New Zealand!

I have literally CRAMMED my last week here, fashion and Rue Montaigne, where Versace, Dior, Chanel, Karl Largerfeldm among others, are housed, Rue Monteguiel where all the lovely foody parts are, the museum de Orsay, back to Marais, where I got asked out and am going on Friday, Champ Elysees again, where again I got asked out and am going to lunch tomorrow, the Louvre of course, and Arc de Triophe, again, of course!!................will tell all!!

I have made a point of everyday eating some different style, and it has been fantastic!! I have been treated like a queen, wherever I go, so much for the stuck up Parisians, because I have not encountered any. Mind you, I do give it a bash with the lingo, and I do dress the part, but that is because I would have anyway.... I dress like that in Wellie!

I have had nothing but good service and help from all and sundry. If I am struggling with a map (always) invariably someone comes up to me and asks if I need help. I stopped at a cafe at the Champs Elysees today, and trying to map out my metro route to the "date" I have on Friday, and this man next to me asks if he can help. He spoke English, and was a Russian Diplomat, now turned lecturer, and was well mannered and intelligent, he asked me about NZ, and the Economy (gawd) and all sorts of questions about the government etc. (read, BORING) so tried to shake him off.

He would not take no for an answer, even though I turned down all his offers of showing me around, as he was on holiday at the moment, and I was in his "hood". I eventually had to say yes to lunch tomorrow, and I will go, only because he was so persistant!! I am in no danger, believe me!!

I enjoyed walking and walking for miles and miles, to all the places you know are the post card the miles of walking means I fit the black capris again!! Hooray!!

It is as magnificent as it looks, and because there were so many tourists, I did not climb the Arc, but I have done so, in the last trip I did here, so there was no urgent need!!
The same with the Louvre.....

BUT I did bite the bullet and go to the Museum de Orsay, because I studied all the artists that have their works here, and I spent so long in the place, that I had to stop and eat! I went to the restaurant, not knowing there was also a cafe for the not so well off, and spent an arm an a leg on a lunch!! I enjoyed it though, and took a photo, since no photos were allowed inside the actual museum,
This is the ceiling!!

The Orsay is a converted Railway station, and inside is so beautiful, it is a shame I could not photograph it! The outside is impressive as well....amazing statues!

Sam and I have been to another cooking class too, and had a blast. We cooked duck, with a cherry sauce and kir, an entree with shrimps and vegetables, and a pastry with fruit for dessert! I got to serve up the end result with panache!!

What a show off! It was a great night, and again managed to follow pretty well what was going on in french!! Sam tried his best to translate, but I did manage to peel a courgette when I was not supposed to!
Here is a pik of dessert, and Sam and I mid flight cooking the duck!!

Well, I have ticked off 99.9 percent of the 'things to do' in my trip, and the time to start to think about departing is rapidly approaching..... I have had to buy two boxes to post back to NZ, with things that I have accumulated, mainly shoes and books that will weigh too much!!! Never mind, it is all worth it!!
I will post another blog before I go, with more goss..... in the meantime, enjoy these piks of Paris!!
More sitting and watching the world go by in a cafes.....

Its a hard life, but someone has got to do it!!

Believe me, I feel like a total dork and a tosser for taking so many self photographs, but when you are on your own, what else is there to do, especially when others are enjoying their food.... I don't want to ask!! Anyway, you will be sick of me by now!! But I will tell you about my dates with the locals, and about getting kicked out of Chanel, for taking a photo inside!!!!
Au revoir!!

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