Wednesday, June 23, 2010


How the hell do they DO THAT!?

Since arriving in Paris, I have tasted nothing but great and delicious food. The salami, pates, cheeses, breads, croissants, pan e chocolate, sorbet, vegetables that taste real.....I have never tasted sweeter new potatoes....dressed with mustard and aioli, sprinkled with lourdons ....the cherry tomatoes are fragrant and burst in your mouth in mini delicious explosions.!!

So, yesterday, the first hot, beautiful day, I decided to get out of my jeans and into my black capri pants, which I had intended in living in the whole time I was going to be away.

O.M.G.....(translated to MON fricken DIEU!!) They would not do up!!!! I couldn't even sit down!!

There was a serious case of camel toe, and I was at a loss of how this had come about!! I mean, yes, of course I tasted everything, but I didn't hoe into the patisseries, (two croissants for breakfast each day don't count...that is just breakfast) I didn't put butter on the french bread, I just had it with a bit of pate, and oh, salami. That is not that much is it??

I had nothing else to wear, and I started to panic. This only meant ONE THING.

(No, no intention to stop "tasting everything") It meant SHOPPING. For a bigger size of trousers. There. Decision made.

And, since it was a beautiful day, I would WALK. (nothing to do with being a bit chicken to tackle the metro on my own...)

So four hours of walking later, which should have at least got rid of a couple of croissants, I came home with a pair of black (slimming) loose (dangerous) linen (cool) trousers!! These babies should do the trick!!

At least I understood the language of shopping!! It is universal. A cinch. AND I was fluent in it!! Will have to do some more, because I found some money at the back of my wallet that I had hidden from myself!! How good is that!

Am going to have lunch with Sam today, (promise to have only a salad) and have to get there on two metro interchanges, and then am going to Galleries Lafayette, to stake out what I would like when the sales are on!!

God I love this place, not even a little (gulp) weight gain dampens one's spirit!!!
Talk later!


  1. Good to hear that you are getting around ok, make sure you don't mix up the Euros with the dollars and the pesos, Sam maybe you need to hide your mum's plastic!!!

  2. Hi Daph

    Great blog. It brings back lots of happy memories from our time in Paris in 2005. We stayed in Rue Montmartre for a week which is right next to Rue Montorgueil so pizza and gelato were regular fixes as was the market that happened right outside our window two days a week! Great to hear you are having such a great time - look forward to reading further updates.
