Monday, June 21, 2010

The Metro. My First Test

Today Sam set me my big TEST. To navigate the Metro system without his help. The itinerary was set, and an interchange of lines was required. Without his help.

All that was agreed upon, was that he would cough loudly if I was getting us lost. Now I have never been good at orienteering, you can ask all my family, in fact it is a family joke, about the times "Daph gets lost"... My dad sent an email yesterday saying that he was pleased that Sam was with me, because I was not to be trusted being left alone in the streets of Paris. Right, a challenge!! The gauntlet had been thrown. (Have I mentioned that I am a tiny bit competitive?)

With heart in throat I got us to Les Halles, where not many tourists go. It is beautiful, the streets and trees are amazing. We took a nice picture!

It was time for lunch, and we went to this gorgeous little street, called rue Montorgueil, and sat outside watching the world go by and eating the most delicious slice of thin pizza with lots of Bayonne ham and runny cheese. Now, employers in NZ should take a leaf out of this one.... Sam gets a daily allowance for lunch of 18 euros to spend on lunch anywhere around Paris in any restaurant!! He just has to present this voucher, and Voila, a discount of the equivalent of nearly Fourty Bucks!! Amazing.

We headed off to see inside Notre Dame, which I had not been into before. The first thing I did was to light a candle for my mum, who never got to see Europe. I know she would have loved it. I got a bit teary, and took a self photo, but the background didnt show up. Am not good at doing the self photo bit, like"young people" these days!! Ha ha. Sam took a nice photo though, of me in front of this amazing, incredible structure. I was awed.

We walked across to the Latin Quarter and stopped for a coffee (no where near as good as Mojo's). Gosh, along the way it was the DRIVING that amazed me!! Cars making illegal moves everywhere !! There was this van parked smack in the middle of a three way intersection, just stopped, creating chaos, while the driver went about his important task of unloading french sticks to the patisserie. There was yelling, shouting, arm waving and lots of #'!.]\\'/[#=@ going on!! The police arrived, and there was a lot of gesticulating, and head shaking, but guess what.... NO TICKET!!
The parking is abysmal, and totally unbelievable.... I saw this car try to parallel park, and I thought, No Way, the place was even too small for a mini. Well, he got his tail in, then nudged the front car about half a metre upwards into the other car, then backed into it, by nudging the back car about a metre out of the way, and this car moved right, smack into the middle of the pedestrian crossing!!

Parking wardens in Wellington would be in Parking Warden's Heaven!! Imagine! Then look at the photo. A car was parked across the space, on yellow lines and on an entrance!!! Hilarious!

Sam showed me a street that I must do on my everywhere, clothing, labels, BEAUTIFUL STUFF !!!

Having collected Helene after her work, around 7.30 pm, we had a drink (happy hour, yay!) and watched people.
Well, the French Men. Wow, what a species. Gorgeous, no, BEAUTIFUL really. Dark, slim (actually too slim, you gotta hang on to something, right?) It doesnt seem right a man is skinnier than oneself. But the way they hold themselves, the confidence, haughty really. Serious, beautifully groomed (tick that box!) tailored and sharp, contemporary in a casual and chick way, velvet jacket immaculate shoes.... no smile, but looking into the distance with a sense of importance. Smoking away, they have this unapproachable feel of " Look, but dont Touch".
Which is just what I am doing. Looking and not Touching .... Hope that lasts!! Lol!!

Then we headed home. All during the day, Sam would mutter "Well done" at my navigation skills. I got lots of smiles and nods at right moves, and correct interchanges.
At the end he said "Well done mum, I am VERY impressed". I was beaming. Never underestimate the power of positive reinforcement.
Today, aged 50, I got the equivalent of a smiley face on the back of my hand. I had passed the test with flying colours.
At the end of the day, good parenting comes sailing right back AT YA!!!

Tomorrow, completely on my own, with no coughs to set me on the right track. GULP.


  1. Hey Daph
    I think you will be right at home in Paris, bet you can't wait to get started on the shops.
    How long are you away for?
    Have fun
    Helen and Mark

  2. Haha I am VERY impressed with your navigation skills Mum! Not so surprised at the 18 vs 8 euro mix up though...I'm so happy you're having a great time Mum. Lots of love xx

  3. @Sam, why am I not surprised that she mixed that one up!
