Friday, June 25, 2010

The Other Side of Paris, and Hitting the Wall

I knew it would happen!! I had been bright eyed and bushy tailed since hopping off the plane five days ago, and felt absolutely fine!!

NOW I feel as if I have been run over by a bus, and maybe it is because the heat has hit me, (26 to 29 degrees for the past couple of days) or is it because I went and did the usual tourist sights and it just has depressed me?

I went to Galleries Lafayette (me and thousands of other tourists, consisting mainly of Americans and Japanese) and although I appreciated the actual structure of the building with its beautiful stained glass windows, and curved ceiling, the rest was just depressing. Why is it that Americans have to yell crass comments so loudly everywhere they go? They are larger than life (literally) and make no effort to try and fit in, by the way they look, act and behave. It was cringe making.

The Japanese on the other hand, although not loud, the mind blowing over consumption they display, was incredible. Buying not one, Lois Vuitton bag, not one Chanel jacket, not one Prada sunnies, they did it in multiples of three and four!!! All while sipping expensive champagne, and eating foie gras supplied for the big spenders (ok, now am just jealous..)

Amazing. Disgusting. I know, I sound awful, judgmental and racist. But I am telling it how it is.

Then the Eiffel Tower. Same thing. I took a few photos, one from underneath, that was all blurry, and decided to flag it. I had been there done that with Alastair over 10 years ago anyway. Too many tourists yelling, pushing and sweating.

I got home and hit the sofa, with no energy to open it out as the bed it is!
Must slow down. Walking over four hours a day in this heat is too much for me these days!!

Am going to keep away from the tourists, and blunder my way around the metro on my own, to places the locals go to. Cant believe how much I have changed in 10 years....

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